NEW Races!!!

As many of you know, we moved to Seattle last summer. Nothing could ever replace the good friends and family we left on the East Coast, but the beautiful mountains, water, and incredible summers of the Pacific Northwest made the transition a bit easier. This new home base also afforded me the opportunity to do some NEW races. Travel is “interesting” with a one year old, but we are lucky to have two gorgeous 70.3s really close to home! Consequently my June was packed. On the 3rd I raced Victoria 70.3 and three weeks later I raced Coeur d’Alene 70.3. They did not disappoint! Enjoy!

Victoria 70.3 – 6/3/18

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Coeur d’Alene 70.3 – 6/24/18

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Thank you to all of my incredible sponsors. Without you this wouldn’t be possible (or nearly as fun)!

Chattanooga 70.3

Chattanooga 70.3 was my first big race back since having Kian and it did not disappoint! My personal photographer had his hands full on race day, but all the good stuff is here! Here’s my race recap in pictures… Enjoy!


CHEEEEKS! We had an early flight from Seattle to Chattanooga on Friday. Luckily this guy travels like a champ! When we got to town we headed over to our wonderful homestay in Signal Mountain and enjoyed the company of new friends. Before the night was over I threw in a little shakeout run and we built my bike.


After the pro meeting on Saturday, the Roohis hit the expo, and, boy, were we lucky… Infinit Nutrition had a booth at the expo!!! Kian is already showing his intelligence by choosing the best sports nutrition products on the market and I got to meet some of the wonderful folks at Infinit, like Emily, whom I regularly badger with questions via email.


Race morning came quickly! (The 3:30am wake-up felt a little like a 12:30am wake-up.) The trip to town went smoothly as did the set up in transition and before I knew it, it was time to make the mile walk to the swim start. When we got there, we ran into my aunt and Infinit teammate, Kate McIntosh, who lives and trains in Savannah. I don’t always have the opportunity to see, let alone, race with friends and family from the East Coast, so this 70.3 felt very special.


And we’re off! (Could a swim be more beautiful?!) The swim wasn’t wetsuit legal for the pros (bummer) but the swim was in a river… with a current. 🙂 I managed to pull out a pretty strong swim (for me), leading a pack of 3 to a split that left us only 2-3 minutes in the hole to some of the big dogs. Coming out with other people on the swim makes a world of difference on the bike. And oh what a bike! I absolutely love love LOVE this course! I got passed and did some passing of my own, but managed to hang tough and turn in a 2:28 split.


Then came the run. Ouch. After having Kian my run was the hardest thing to get back. I wanted to jump right back into training when I got the okay from the doctor, but I was cautious with running. For the longest time things didn’t feel “right”. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what was bothering me and I grew frustrated not being able to build up run volume like I had in the past. Luckily a few months ago, after months and months of research and trial and error, I found some strength exercises that have changed everything for the better! The result? Running feels good again. And here I am. In Chattanooga. Running. 🙂


My first lap on the run course felt pretty darn good. And then the heat started to take a toll. Everyone talks about the rain in Seattle (honestly it’s not that bad). What they don’t talk about is the summers. The summers are BEAUTIFUL! And sunny! But not humid. 🙂 This East Coast – now West Coast – girl was not ready for the soupiness of Chatty. But it did feel good to just be out there. (Here I am ecstatic to see the finish line.)


Did I mention it was hot?


I ended up tenth overall. I’m content with my first race of 2018, but DEFINITELY not satisfied. There is lots of room for improvement and I can’t wait to toe the line again!


Kate absolutely KILLED it and having my uncle, John, there was just amazing. (There’s never enough time with family.) Also see that lady on the left? PERFECT illustration of finish line feels.


What a beautiful place. I wavered on the decision to do Chattanooga, but I am so so glad I came. Great friends, great family, great race, great place.


And I leave you as I started… with cheeks. Does anything else really matter? So happy to be back racing, especially when these guys are waiting at the finish line.

Many many thanks to all of my sponsors and training partners. And a special shout out to Cyrus who takes on Mr. Mom duties every morning so I can get up and train before he heads off to work. There is no “I” in team, but there might be a “Cy”. 😉

Year in Review

This year has had some incredible highs and some abysmal lows. As 2017 draws to a close I thought it would be fun to take a look back at the year that was.


First up? This little guy. Nothing could make me happier.


Richard Eugene Mahany 7/21/46 – 2/28/17 The best Dad a girl could ask for… Bigger than the sky! ❤️


I get by with a little help…


Stafford Hospital 5k with one of my favorite people… Beautiful day for a race and Kian’s first 5k!


Spring Break: Surprised in Savannah! (If you’ve never visited, put it on the bucket list and make sure you go to River Street.)


Training camp!!! Hanging with some peeps (and the cutest dog around) in OBX!


The stunning, Devil’s Bathtub! Good hike with GREAT people. 😊




And after…


Home! (With a little help from the amazing crew at Mary Washington Healthcare and the most incredible family a girl could ask for…)


Out and about!!


Aunt Lindsay getting some practice! 😉


My first ride outside after having Kian… It was GLORIOUS!!!


One of my last nights in Virginia… S’mores and this girl. It doesn’t get any better!


The Museum of Natural History in NYC with the world’s BEST sister! (Don’t look now, but there is something behind us!!!)


Children’s Museum of Staten Island… Part of the summer farewell tour! “M” is for…?


First race back: Black Diamond Half Iron Hurt so good!!!


Eclipse 2017 – Bellevue Public Library with 3,000 of my closest friends (not pictured). Giving out eclipse glasses? Welcome to the madhouse.


Second race of 2017: A COLD sprint put on by the tri team of Oregon State University! Suuuper fun! Gotta work on that speed. 😉


Happy to be out of the 2-mile long tunnel on the John Wayne Trail! #ABitCreepy #Headlamps #RunFaster#DoNotThinkAboutWhatCouldBeLurkingInTheTunnel#WeHaveToGoBackThatWay


Missing this handsome fella…


Kian’s first visit to Pike Place Market… I think he liked it!!!


Chasing adventure in Mt. Ranier National Park


I’m REALLY excited to see what lies ahead!!! Have a happy and healthy New Year, everyone! (This was taken at the start of the Wittle Waddle, a half marathon held on Thanksgiving morning. Who makes me sign up for something crazy like that? I’ll give you one guess.)


Two Friends (True Friends)

There are two phrases that strike fear in the heart of my dear friend, Lindsay, when I utter them. The first? “I heard this story on NPR…” and the second: “Listen to this song I heard from this Broadway show…” Neither is ever met with much enthusiasm. But I know Lindsay loves me because of her willingness to indulge me and hear me out. Do her eyes glaze over? Sure. Is she looking for the exit? Absolutely. But she listens without too much grumbling.

This past year has been a truly special year in our lives and next year portends to be epically different, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you. For picking me up when I was a mess. For listening when I needed to talk. For everything you’ve done. For everything you are. I can’t wait to see where life takes us. Now if you’ll indulge me one more time, true friend… to many more perfect days; the best is yet to come!

For Forever by Benj Pasek / Justin Paul
End of May or early June
This picture-perfect afternoon we shared
Drive the winding country road
Grab a scoop at À La Mode
And then we’re there
An open field that’s framed with trees
We pick a spot and shoot the breeze
Like buddies do
Quoting songs by our favorite bands
Telling jokes no one understands
Except us two
And we talk and take in the view
All we see is sky for forever
We let the world pass by for forever
Feels like we could go on for forever this way
Two friends on a perfect day
We walk a while and talk about
The things we’ll do when we get out of school
Bike the Appalachian trail or
Write a book or learn to sail
Wouldn’t that be cool?
There’s nothing that we can’t discuss
Like girls we wish would notice us but never do
He looks around and says to me
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be”
And I say, “me too”
And we talk and take in the view
We just talk and take in the view
All we see is sky for forever
We let the world pass by for forever
Feels like we could go on for forever this way, this way
All we see is light for forever
‘Cause the sun shines bright for forever
Like we’ll be alright for forever this way
Two friends on a perfect day
And there he goes
Racing toward the tallest tree
From far across the yellow field I hear him calling, “follow me” there we go
Wondering how the world might look from up so high
One foot after the other
One branch then to another
I climb higher and higher
I climb ’til the entire
Sun shines on my face
And I suddenly feel the branch give way
I’m on the ground
My arm goes numb
I look around
And I see him come to get me
He’s come to get me
And everything’s okay
All we see is sky for forever
We let the world pass by for forever
Buddy, you and I for forever this way, this way
All we see is light
‘Cause the sun burns bright
We could be alright for forever this way
Two friends
True friends
On a perfect day


Ecclesiastes 3

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance

I’ve been rather quiet lately. Not because I didn’t have lots to say, but because I didn’t quite know how to articulate everything I’ve been feeling. My father became increasingly ill after Christmas. This year he decided to skip Lent and on Fat Tuesday he became the newest guest in paradise. Words cannot express the heartache I feel and I miss him more and more every day. The only upside? My father will be looking down and watching over a new little soul that will be joining us in early July. I am still training rather diligently, but I will only be racing the back half of 2017. The death of my father and the expectation of a child have already made this year one that will never be forgotten. “To everything there is a season.” See you at the races.

Richard E. Mahany – Eulogy


Many people know our father as a businessman, a leader, a father, a member of the USAF. Daddy never really spoke about his time in Vietnam. Trying to shelter us from his sad terrible burdens and memories. But dad was a navigator for the Air Force. Earning honors and medals of Valor and heroics. Dad was a navigator in life too. For all of us. Planning our lives with love. Making sure we avoided hazards and horrors to the best of his ability, with his sweet sometimes strong-worded love. Providing the surest route to faith and lives full of happiness and joy. Because of the tragedies Dad experienced, from the loss of his older brother at 13 to his suffering at the end, he knew that flavor and beauty and determination, prayer and diligence led to the things of life we should all treasure.

Dad was always the first to celebrate any holiday in our family. Always cooking, making it a family affair. Mom was the sous chef. And the kids his assistants. One Thanksgiving, several years back, Dad was whipping up a storm of goodies for all of us to enjoy. Two turkeys, all the fixings. Basting the turkeys at regular intervals to make sure it was as tasty and delicious as he dreamed. One problem. The cheesecloth on one of the turkeys caught fire. “Open the door!!!” he a screamed. At all of us. We were a bit slow on the uptake. “Open the door!!!” I rushed to the front door. And opened it. Dad comes running at me with a flaming turkey. And launched it into his front yard. As luck would have it. The turkey landed at the base of a palm tree. And low and behold we had a bit of fireworks on Thanksgiving. That palm tree lit up in a flash fire for all to watch in awe. We had a larger than normal Thanksgiving planned that year with most of Mom and Dad’s children in town. We needed that turkey. Dad picked it up. Off the ground. Brushed it off and said, “No one will know the difference. It will still taste good.”

Dad did that for himself. Always. Picking himself up. Finding his faith in better things to come, in God. And moving forward. For the greater good. He knew that his God, his mom, his dad and uncle Pete always watched over him. Blessing his life with abundance. Remembering their good times. Those were his guide posts as he navigated his life. Daddy provided us all with guide posts as well. Diligence. Reliability. Integrity. Belief in education as the foundation of any success in this crazy world. But most importantly, faith that God and those who went before us provide respite, solace, care and love for us still navigating our way to eternal life.


I was lucky enough to spend several days with my parents in Charleston around Christmas time. Over the course of our stay one thing became apparent: Dad was slowing down. His wittiness was still intact but his response time was a little slower. Mundane tasks like eating breakfast became long drawn out affairs and breakfast became brunch. And simple tasks like getting up and going to powder his nose could take 20 or 30 minutes because he was so unsure of his balance and footing.

All of which made the events of the Tuesday after Christmas even more special. Cyrus and I went to the local grocery store for a few items and when we came back we were in for a surprise. I was putting things away when Cyrus walked over and whispered “Why is your Dad in the garage?” “In the garage?!” I said. Sure enough when I peaked through the door that leads from the kitchen to the garage, which had been left slightly ajar, you could see my Dad. Sitting in the front passenger seat of my parents’ car. In the pitch black garage, illuminated only by the dome light inside the vehicle. We can only guess how long he’d been sitting there.

Somehow the man who took 30 minutes to walk 30 feet had made it out of the living room, through the front hall, through the kitchen, down the ramp in the garage, and into the car. All by himself. An absolutely Herculean feat.

When I approached the car I asked Dad, “Where are you going, young man?” His response? “To church.”

I reminded him it was 3:45 on a Tuesday afternoon and there probably weren’t any services being held. He stared back at me with a look that said, “And? Are you coming or not?” So I grabbed the keys.

We drove the 20 minutes to my parents’ church and as I suspected there were no masses being held. But he wouldn’t let us leave until Cyrus got out of the car and checked every single door looking for one that might be open and gain us admittance. We had no luck, but just being there gave Dad a sense of peace and calm.

Dad’s faith was strong to the end; it gave him comfort and strength and community. He left such an incredible example of what faith is; what it means to be faithful and to be steadfast and to believe.

When friends who have never met our dad hear the news of his passing, I get some variation of the same response. “I didn’t know your dad, but his children turned out to be pretty awesome. He must have been an amazing man.”

They have no idea how right they are. Dad, you were truly amazing.

Thank you for your generosity. For taking in children and stepchildren and grandchildren when they needed help the most. For sharing your gifts to support the church and higher education. For dropping everything and giving your time to those in crisis.

Thank you for your integrity. For serving and showing us what true heroism looks like. For setting standards and stating your principles – then holding true to them come hell or high water. For showing us what a father should be.

Thank you for your guidance. For putting our schooling above all else. For being our first coach and mentor. For helping us take a step back and look at the bigger picture. For stepping back just enough to let us fly.

Most of all, thank you for your love. For your funny faces, your silly made up songs, family church outings and long breakfasts, holiday meals made with care, presents with the gift of time, always asking how’s school, how’s your running, how’s the weather? For making us feel special and cared for and cherished. Your love was the greatest gift a child could ask for.

You saw some things in your lifetime that would destroy a lesser man. We are so lucky to have had you in our lives for as long as we did. Thank you for everything. We love you bigger than the sky.


As Dad told us a little over a week ago, his faith in peace, comfort and eternal love still unwavering, happy days are here again.

Dad 2


New year, NEW sponsors!!!

2017 is already off to a great start and thanks to these sponsors it’s just going to get better!!! Many thanks! (If you have questions about any of these companies or products please don’t hesitate to email me.)

So grateful for this AMAZING line-up!


In early September I competed in Ironman Wisconsin. It was my first venture to the cheese state and she did not disappoint. Great food, great people and a great (but HARD) course made for an unforgettable day. Here is my race report in pictures. Enjoy!


The Capitol building before sunrise on race morning…


Transition took up an entire level of a parking deck and it was hopping in the predawn hours.


Water temperatures were in the low 70s while air temperatures were in the 50s. that makes for one cold warm up swim!


And I’m off!


After exiting the water we had to run UP a helix just like this, go into transition, get our bikes and then ride back down. Twisty, turny, fun!


This was the one flat section of road on the course. Just kidding! But the hills on the bike ride were no joke!


Coming into T2 and happy to be off the bike after a few mechanical issues.


Let the run begin! The first lap felt pretty awesome and then I lost some mojo… But I finished on the podium in 10th!


Many, many thanks to my coaches and all of my sponsors (TenTen Coaching, CEEPO, DriveTrain Sports, Cobb Cycling RUDY Project, POLAR, Mac’s Smack, and Infinit Nutrition) who made this possible! I can’t wait to do it again!!!

What a summer!!!

Summer break just ended and I thought I’d share a few pictures from my adventures! In early July I took a short break from training to explore the National Parks out West and the trip was absolutely breathtaking. Enjoy!


The calm before the storm… Adventure awaits!


First stop! Muir Woods outside of San Francisco… Gorgeous!


Next up? Yosemite! And the camping begins!


The start of the 16 miles hike up to Half Dome and back… Beautiful and challenging!


View from the top of Half Dome… It was a bit treacherous!


Idaho Falls!


The first of many short hikes around Yellowstone…


Did some say “Bison!!!”? They were everywhere. So neat!


Morning Glory in all her glory!


Next park? The Grand Tetons.


The reward for climbing an unmarked (and scary) “social” trail… Delta Lake!


First hike in Zion National Park: Angel’s Landing!


Permit required!!! Our last big hike required a few more skills and a lot more equipment.


First time canyoneers!


The reward? A beautiful section called “The Subway”.


Did I mention it was a little cold? I should’ve brought my wetsuit!


A Tale of Two Races…

On June 5, 2016, I competed in Raleigh 70.3. Exactly one week later, I toed the line at Eagleman 70.3. Below you can see how each day played out. It’s been three years since I have attempted a “Dirty Double” like this and the Tuesday after Raleigh I was nervous that my legs wouldn’t come around in time. But my first race didn’t go exactly as I had hoped and getting another crack at the distance a week later was just what the doctor ordered. (I’ve included pictures from both races after the timeline to help tell this double story.) Many, many thanks to my coaches and all of my sponsors (TenTen Coaching, CEEPO, DriveTrain Sports, Cobb Cycling RUDY Project, POLAR, Mac’s Smack, and Infinit Nutrition) who made this possible!


Raleigh 1

Shuttle bus to Jordan Lake for the start of Raleigh 70.3.

Raleigh 2

Beautiful morning for a swim!!!

Raleigh 3

Checking my baby into T1 at Jordan Lake. A bad storm rolled through the night before the race… I had to tuck her in carefully.

Raleigh 4

Haha! My face says it all. This run was HARD. Beautiful, but HARD!

Raleigh 5

“The TenTen Coaching Crew” after Raleigh 70.3

Eagleman 3

Eagleman!!! I’m back! Fun in the sun!!!

Eagleman 1

Oh, Choptank River… There was a little current to contend with…

Eagleman 2

Dismounting after a windy bike in Cambridge!

Eagleman 4

Ready for 13 miles of sun and heat!!!

Eagleman 5

Podium pic! 5th place PRO!

Eagleman 6

Many, many thanks to Jim Moriarty, the best homestay host a girl could ask for! Thank you!!!